Gather & Create Recap: Pumpkulent Class

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Last weekend we hosted our first ever “Pumpkulent Class,” led by Dori from Everything’s Hunky Dori. The workshop started with everyone picking out their own Musquee de Provence pumpkin. White and orange varieties were sitting out on the hay bales in front of our dreamy Old Barn where the class was help. Then each participant claimed a spot at prepared stations (socially distanced of course!)

Dori explained all the foraged items we’d be using to decorate the pumpkins. We use preserved sheet moss as a base for attaching and growing the succulent cuttings that came right from Dori’s farm. Some of the foraged items included Magnolia leaves and pods, Sycamore leaves, pine cones and even some flowers picked right outside our Old Barn! She also brought maple tree leaves in a varieties of colors including a gorgeous vibrant orange.

We are very excited to share the beautiful images from this unbelievably dreamy Fall day and we look forward to hosting many more events like this in 2021! If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to our email list for updates on upcoming events.